
Welcome to Christian Students on Campus at Auraria

Who we are

Our name is Christian Students on Campus at Auraria (CSOC). We are simply Christian students who pursue the truth, enjoy the Lord, speak His Word and care for others.

What we do

We pursue the Lord Jesus together in four major ways, realized through our various club gatherings and events:

    • By studying the Bible together for our gaining of the truth and our spiritual growth in life (1 Tim 2:3-4)
      • In small group weekly Bible studies and large group ministry.
    • By enjoying the riches of Christ together by praying, singing, and sharing Christ with one another (Col. 3:16)
      • In weekly prayer times, home gatherings and dinners (Acts 2:46), conferences, and more.
    • By sharing the word of the gospel with other students on campus (Eph. 3:8)
      • In small groups on campus. Workshops and weekly opportunities to preach the gospel will
        be available.
    • By receiving help from mentors who support the club
      • In one-on-one appointments with these mentors to pray, to learn more about Bible truths and how to gain Christ, to find help with personal matters or situations, or to simply chat (2 Cor 1:4).

If you have further questions or comments, please contact us!